Thursday, September 20, 2012

Take Your Memories But Leave Your Footprints

The Old Sign Board: A Legend Unto Itself

Kuzuzangpola.... (May your body and mind be in robust health) is the traditional Bhutanese greeting and with that, we bid you a fond Kuzuzangpola!

A travel company born of the wish and need to share what we believe is a beautiful country both in terms of its rich visuals and for the timeless human qualities the kingdom has been blessed with, !ncredible Bhutan is a child conceived of that desire to invite and offer you, and in doing that, help you partake in what is a breathtaking place on Earth. We are a business company specializing in offering you cultural tours, birding walks and treks, meandering motorcycling escapades, and treks along some of the most pristine trails of the world. In doing that, we hope to transcend the mere business part of the bargain and offer instead to become your Bhutanese friends and fellow human beings with the sole aim and wish to make your holidays much more than just holidays. We hope to offer you a time and a place in what is an Incredible Country and everything that country holds dear, and is more than happy to offer and share that special journey, for your holidays should mean nothing less than a journey already long undertaken, and in this part of the voyage, we earnestly hope to provide the Incredible Part of that journey in what is an Incredible Land... 
Bhutan 2
Bhutan 2 (Photo credit: warwick_carter)

!ncredible Bhutan is all of that and more. In order to make your vacation more than a holiday, we have designed various itineraries that can be tailored and altered to suit your preferences and temperaments. We offer cultural trips, Buddhist pilgrimages for the spiritually inclined and for those interested in Buddhism, hard treks along some of the world's most beautiful trails, birding trips for the feathery-ly inclined, motorcycling trips for those with an affinity for two-wheelers and the wind in your hair.

Bhutan 8
Bhutan 8 (Photo credit: warwick_carter)
We believe in the casual yet timelessly embedded search of the seeking wanderlust best depicted in so many classics of the beat generation and those preceding it and yet those still seeking it out. The Alchemist is, in so many ways, the absolute want and need to find out just what it is about travel that sets so many millions on the move almost on a daily basis. Whether it be jet-hopping, planned vacations, exotic jaunts or good old fashioned back-packing, the essence has been the same as it was during the times of the great Marco Polo, to a writer for whom the road was the life, Jack Kerouac.

Postcards carry about them a cheer an email seldom does, if it does at all. From the travels and travails of exalted figures such as the Shakyamuni Buddha when he was still Siddhartha, to a carpenter’s son called Jesus, and from the monstrous conquests of men that forged history such as the great Genghis Khan, Alexander the Great, to memoirs of recent history in the form of one Mohandas C Gandhi, who left South Africa to take up the mantle of freeing his homeland, and back to the very beginning of our time with the naval journeys of Christopher Columbus and Captain James Cook, the one constant motion they were all set forth in was that of traveling.

More Than a Quarter of the Kingdom's Area is Protected
An excited and bewildered Charles Darwin at the Galapagos Islands, to the ever endearing story of Alexander Supertramp and his desire to simply walk, hitch or just make do with whatever the changing landscape offered before him just less than 23 years ago is a testimony of that unyielding DNA wrought in the very nature of man- that we are most alive when we travel.

Its then in that exalted yet simple and free spirited frame of mind that we believe not only in Adventure, but farther yet the seeds from which they and so many hundreds of millions have sprung or plant to make the spring, and leap unto a world and a place that will forever, as a simple hand carved wooden board stands witness to at the bottom of one of the holist monasteries at the northern base of Thimphu, the little known capital of the Kingdom of Bhutan. It is in one of the entrances to the Jigme Dorji National Park. Next to an old traditional bridge that leads up to the sacred site of Cheri Buddhist Monastery, and a wet trodden path, hangs an old wooden board now weathered with time and the elements, but not the symbolism as it simply reads. 
English: A wintering Bhutan Takin browses on s...
English: A wintering Bhutan Takin browses on shrubs in warm broadleaf forest in Jigme Dorji National Park, Bhutan (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

“Take Nothing But Memories; Leave Nothing But Footprints.”

Bhutan today has 10 formally protected areas covering 16,396.43 sq. km, which is more than a quarter of the country’s total land area.

This is both the spontaneous prayer and the instinctive plunge we have been taking, and hope to do so with as many of you as possible in discovering what is truly one of the purest realms still unencumbered by that jack-hammer called globalization.

Lunana Paranoma By Karma Tshiteem, Secretary, Gross National Happiness Commission
We are proud Bhutanese, and as such, would find it an honor befitting many of those illustrious travelers, voyagers, wanderlusters, in truly welcoming you and being your traveling hosts, companions and friends during your time here with us.

Rest assured, you are in capable hands and welcoming hearts with !ncredible Bhutan.

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